Outreach and Engagement


Engaging partners and collaboration are the overarching principles necessary for the achievement of suitable environmental outcomes. To accomplish program goals, APNEP will work closely with its partners to ensure that activities and resources are focused on the most urgent and important problems. Many of the programs and laws now used to regulate or support activities in our watershed were established on a piecemeal basis to address significant individual problems. Improved coordination of planning for land use, water supply, ecosystem protection, transportation, and restoration will enable us to more effectively address problems at an ecosystem scale. APNEP engages its partnering organizations and the public to improve awareness and understanding of environmental issues facing the Albemarle-Pamlico region. Furthermore, APNEP engages individual and collective stewardship of the region’s resources, including support for the planning, policies, and actions required to sustain the Albemarle-Pamlico ecosystem and its human communities.

Since 2002, APNEP has supported over 40 outdoor education-conservation initiatives as schools and non-formal education centers throughout the region. Many of these projects incorporate restoration of on-site wetlands, stormwater retention projects, or other habitat restoration, as well as utilizing those projects as educational tools alongside outdoor classrooms and nature trails. In addition, APNEP has supported over 90 education and outreach projects, including 15 years of support for an annual teacher professional development institute.

2012-2022 Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan