The Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership pursues its mission of understanding, protecting, and restoring the estuary's natural resources with guidance and support from its advisory bodies, regional partners, and its ecosystem-based Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP). APNEP's initiatives are guided by input from a diverse group of regional partners and stakeholders. Together, we work to protect and enhance one of the nation's most valuable estuaries.
APNEP's advisory committees, including the Leadership Council, Citizen Advisory Committee, and Science and Technology Advisory Committee, provide direction and oversight for the partnership. Action Teams tackle the topics listed in APNEP's management plan, deciding how APNEP should spend its funds to address pressing issues related to each team's area of expertise. Monitoring and Assessment Teams, which are also topic-based, work to develop ecological indicators that will help APNEP to assess the ecosystem health of the Albemarle-Pamlico region, and then continue to monitor health on an ongoing basis.
The committees that make up APNEP's Management Conference are those that are listed in the N.C. Governor's Executive Order #250 (February 2022), and include the Leadership Council, Citizen Advisory Committee, and Science and Technology Advisory Committee. All three committee are comprised of representatives from the region in both North Carolina and Virginia.

Monitoring and Assessment Teams, and Actions Teams are ad-hoc groups, meaning that they have been convened to tackle specific issues and will be assembled and dissolved by the partnership as necessary to effectively implement the Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan (CCMP). Teams are either created and facilitated by APNEP staff and committee members, or led and facilitated by pre-existing committees initially assembled by external partners.