APNEP worked with researchers from the North Carolina State Center for Environmental and Resource Economic Policy and the Duke Sanford School of Public Policy to conduct an economic valuation of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), also known as underwater grasses, in our region. The 2021 study specifically focused on four areas where SAV provides value:
- Increased carbon storage
- Increased residential property values
- Increased commercial blue crab catch
- Increased recreational red drum and spotted seatrout catch

The study found that North Carolina could lose over $88 million in the next decade if SAV is not protected.
Read the full economic valuation report
APNEP Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) action addressed:
- C3.1: Develop and implement a strategy to improve decision-makers' understanding of the costs and benefits of environmental protection, restoration, planning, and monitoring.
For Local Governments
Local government officials, from recreation departments and planning departments to economic development officials and city councils, have a major role to play in protecting our region’s SAV. We've created a simple fact sheet to synthesize the results of the study and share policy solutions to protect these essential plants.