Scientific and Policy Reports

Edition Date
2011 SAV Mapping Methods 2011
2011 Recycling Fishing Gear to Enhance Shellfish Productivity and Improve Local Water Quality Final Report 2011
2011 Living Shoreline to Improve Habitat and WQ and Reduce Stormwater Runoff into Bogue Sound Final Report 2011
2011 Evaluating Restoration Success for Oyster Reefs Spanning Intertidal Elevation 2011
2011 Estuary Education and Awareness Campaign Final Report 2011
2011 Environmental Education Bookmark Contest Final Report 2011
2011 Elizabeth City Middle School Created Wetland Final Report 2011
2011 Effects of Small Dams on Fish and Mussels in Chowan, Neuse, Roanoke, Tar RB 2011
Climate Ready Estuaries: A Blueprint for Change Report 2010
2010 River Herring Habitats Searching the Chowan RB 2010
2010 Landscaping with Nature in Currituck County Final Report 2010
2010 Carrot Island Habitat Improvement Demonstration Project Final Report 2010
STAC Issue Paper April 2009 - Coastal Energy Production in NC 2009
Public Listening Sessions: Sea Level Rise and Population Growth in NC 2009
2009 Public Perceptions of Environmental Quality and Values in the AP Estuary 2009
STAC Issue Paper April 2008 - Estuarine Responses to Climate Change 2008
STAC Issue Paper April 2008 - Assessment of Current Restoration Investments Groundwater Quality Standards 2008
STAC Issue Paper April 2008 - Assessment of Current Restoration Investments Emerging Contaminants 2008
STAC Issue Paper April 2008 - Assessment of Current Restoration Investments BMP Implementation 2008
STAC Issue Paper April 2008 - Application Products for Tracking Ecological Indicators 2008