Past Monitoring Projects (2012 - Present)

Project Name Primary Partner Year Status CCMP Actions APNEP Funding Project Description
Support for Sentinel Network Monitoring of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation NFWF Subcontract, ECU Lead 2018-2019 In Progress E1.1, E1.2, E2.1, E2.2 $49,717 Funding was provided to East Carolina University to continute monitoring submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) sentinel sites in the Albemarle Sound and Neuse River. This survey aims to determin the current abundance and trends of SAV in low-salinity areas of the Albemarle-Pamlico region.
Swim Guide Water Quality Monitoring Program Sound Rivers 2018 In Progress D1.1, D2.1, D2.3, D3.1, E1.3 $9,500 Funding was provided to Sound Rivers to initiate a citizen science water quality monitoring program in the Neuse and Tar-Pamlico Rivers. Water was sampled weekly during the summer and tested for harmful levels of bacteria. Alerts and information is then posted on the organization's website and sent to a larger data base called Swim Guide. The organization uses EPA water quality criteria for contact recreation.
Harmful Algal Bloom Testing Kits NC Division of Water Resources 2017 Complete E1.1, D2.3 $505 Funding was used to purchase test kits for use in rapidly identifying the presence of microcystin, a cyanotoxin produced by harmful algal blooms, in the Chowan River. In the summer of 2016, the Chowan River near Edenton North Carolina experienced algal blooms and the test kits provided to the Division of Water Resources were used to decrease the response time of the agency in identifying blooms as well as alerting local communities to their presence.
Technical Analyses to Support an Assessment of Environmental Indicators in the Albemarle-Pamlico Watershed NC State Center for Geospatial Analytics 2015-2016 Complete E1.2, E2.2 $2,309 APNEP contacted with the NC State Center for Geospatial Analytics to provide support for its Ecosystem Assessment efforts, including contribution of technical information to multiple APNEP environmental indicators.
ECU Ecosystem Assessment East Carolina University 2015-2016 Complete E1.2, E2.2 $3,050 APNEP contacted with East Carolina University to provide support for its Ecosystem Assessment efforts, including contribution of technical information to multiple APNEP environmental indicators.
Survey of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Albemarle Sound East Carolina University 2014-2015 Complete B2.2, C3.3, E1.1 $41,007 This monitoring study focuses on the Albemarle Sound and uses SONAR and video-drop cameras to establish sentinel sites in the sound. For this project, about 420 km of shoreline along the Albemarle Sound were surveyed from August to September 2014.
Roanoke River Gauge Funding N.C. Division of Water Resources 2014-2015 Complete (previous CCMP) $5,900 With funds from APNEP, along with those from USACE, USFWS, NCDWR, NCWRC, the gauge in the Roanoke River remained functional during FY 2013-2014. Since the gauge was kept in use, water flow and water quality historical records were kept intact.
ModMon Water Quality Monitoring UNC Instite for Marine Sciences 2014-2015 Complete A2.1, B2.6, C3.1, D1.3, E1.1 $1,500 ModMon is a partnership among UNC, NCDENR, DWR, the Lower Neuse Basin Association/Neuse River Compliance Association, and APNEP. The goal of the partnership is to collect and analyze water quality, and it has been doing so since 1994. This funding allowed for water quality monitoring to continue in the Neuse River Estuary system, so that nutrient productivity and algal bloom interactions could be observed. The data resulting from the analysis was used to calibrate, verify, and modify three models for long term management strategies. This is important during elevated tropical storm or hurricane activity. Funding allowed researchers to obtain data that can help determine the environmental stress on this specific estuary environment.
Remote Sensing of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in the APNEP Region NC Department of Transportation 2013-2014 Complete B2.2, C3.3, E1.1 $73,000 With the services of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT), APNEP mapped submerged aquatic vegetation on the state’s coast. In shallow water areas less than 2 meters in depth, the DOT used a digital mapping camera to obtain remotely sensed imagery.
Flood Gage Installation and Data Dissemination NC Department of Emergency Management 2019-2020 Complete E1.1 $80,000 Many areas of the Albemarle-Pamlico region are susceptible to flooding due to low elevation and proximity to waterways. This project installed three water-level and meteorological monitoring equipment stations in targeted locations within the watershed. Data from these stations will be used by the NC Flood Inundation Mapping and Alert Network (FIMAN) relies heavily on remote monitoring stations to provide necessary information.
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