Climate Models & Tools
Tools Overview
APNEP will support the development of models and tools as outlined in CCMP Action A2.2: Create and improve projections of land use and climate change related impacts on the regional ecosystem. Forecasting future potential impacts allows managers to undertake proactive measures and consider environmental management initiatives.
- Outputs: Climate change impact models; land use projections
- Results: Information to support better resource management decisions
Current Initiatives:
- APNEP is currently participating on a project that includes development of tools that allow local planners to develop natural infrastructure plans that have co-benefits including water quality improvements and flood risk reduction. Learn more here.
Past Initiatives:
- Climate Resilience Evaluation and Awareness Tool Exercise with Manteo and Columbia: APNEP worked with the towns of Columbia and Manteo to examine the potential impacts of rising sea levels on their wastewater infrastructure using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Climate Risk Evaluation and Assessment Tool (CREAT) as part of the EPA's Creating Resilient Water Utilities (CRWU) initiative. The team provided engineering and financial recommendations for realistic measures the towns might take to improve their resiliency to coastal hazards and flooding to consider for integration into their capital improvement planning processes.
- Southeast Natural Resource Leadership Group (SNRLG) Pilot Project Development: APNEP participated in a project that included the development of tools and geospatial datasets to illustrate how the agencies could coordinate and leverage federal agency mandates and resources to enhance natural resource management and conservation in the Southeast. Climate change risks on the Albemarle-Pamlico estuarine region of North Carolina were selected as the focal point for the process. The SNRLG Landscape Conservation and Restoration Pilot Project Phase II Final Report, is available here.
Partner Initiatives:
In addition, partners have the follow tools ready for use in the region:
- The NC Division of Coastal Management has assembled a comprehensive toolbox that can assist in helping communities understand hazards risk, conduct community wide-assessments or planning process, and use mapping applications to aid decision-making. It includes tools from a number of organizations including Sea Grant, The Nature Conservancy, NOAA, and FEMA.
- The APAPT VA portal includes tools to help assess risk and vulnerability to climate impacts, build community resiliency against extreme events, and provide guidance to prepare and respond to a changing environment. The portal includes Virginia's Flood Risk Information System maps, shoreline management strategies, and interactive maps to view water levels, social vulnerability, infrastructure and natural capital.
- NOAA and other federal partners developed the U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit to help people find and use tools, information, and subject matter expertise to build climate resilience. The Toolkit offers information from all across the U.S. federal government in one easy-to-use location.
- Sea level rise won’t just cause flooding issues. Higher water levels mean that current marshes will move to existing low-lying areas. Luckily, communities can determine marsh migration using the NOAA Office of Coastal Management's Sea Level Rise Viewer. This information is useful for guiding decisions about where to focus monitoring, restoration, and conservation efforts. After you’ve selected the marsh location icon nearest to your community, you can view by scenario or year and determine where and when your marshes will migrate based on the amount of sea rise. All of this information is vital for creating effective management plans. The Marsh Migration Tutorial gives you step-by-step instructions using practice scenarios.