John Iiames

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research

Term: 2021 - 2024

Monitoring and Assessment Team Assignment: Terrestrial Resources

STAC Member Since: August 2016

Title: Research Biologist

Department: Office of Research & Development, National Exposure Research Laboratory; US Environmental Protection Agency

Education: PhD Natural Resources (Remote Sensing), University of New Hampshire (2006); MS Forestry (Remote Sensing/GIS), North Carolina State University (1999); BS Forest Land Management, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia (1985)

Primary Focus Area: Wildland fire effects on drinking water quality 

Secondary Focus Area(s): Cyanobacteria driver assessments of U.S. freshwater bodies 

Career Experiences: Remote sensing of terrestrial systems, natural and agricultural. Accuracy assessment expertise of satellite-derived mapping products. Above ground biomass estimation using space-borne sensors (i.e., LAI). Operational experience on wildland fires as an Air Resource Advisor - prediction of PM 2.5 impacts from smoke.