Topics Related to Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership

APNEP Citizen Advisory Committee spring meeting will be held virtual. 

Please contact Steve Anderson ( for any additional details or suggested discussion topics of interest. 

APNEP Citizen Advisory Committee later winter meeting will be held virtual. This meeting was previously scheduled to be in-person on Feb. 29, 2024. Meeting details and draft agenda will be posted at least a week before the meeting.

APNEP Citizen Advisory Committee spring meeting will be held virtual. 

This meeting will take place virtually in Microsoft Teams. There is a link in the agenda document.

The CAC and staff will be discussing CCMP updates, BIL work plan, CAC membership recruitment, and RISE resilience project portfolio. They will also be discussion plans for the next in-person CAC meeting.

Please contact Steve Anderson ( for any additional details.

We are still working on selecting a date to reconvene the Ecological Flows Action Team in summer or fall 2023. If you would like to attend the meeting, please fill out the poll to assist in the date selection for this meeting.

Leadership Council meeting in conjunction with U.S. EPA Program Evaluation Site Visit and presentations from partners.

This meeting will take place virtually in Microsoft Teams. There is a link in the agenda document.

The CAC and staff will be discussing 320 and BIL annual work plan, and updates to new 5 year the Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan. They will also be reviewing the BIL long-term strategy with equity plans, and reviewing the annual APNEP 320 work plan and budget.

Please contact APNEP staff for any additional details.

This meeting will take place virtually in Microsoft Teams. There is a link in the agenda document. 

This meeting will take place at the NC Department of Environmental Quality's Green Square building in Raleigh. Please contact APNEP for details about how to attend (