The Albemarle Commission in collaboration with Washington and Tyrrell Counties has partnered with various organizations to conduct a comprehensive study on flooding in the northern Albemarle-Pamlico peninsula for the Scuppernong River watershed (see Figure 1). The Water Management Study (Study) is intended to provide an understanding of how water moves within the region to help update existing plans, improve decision-making tools, and identify potential solutions to long-standing water management problems. The Study is funded by the N.C. Water Resources Development Grant Program. 

This Study will:

  • Create a “water budget” to show how water moves through the Scuppernong watershed;
  • Identify flood prone areas and develop models to simulate conditions during different storm events;
  • Use the models to test possible water management actions to determine effective solutions; and
  • Recommend short and long-term actions to reduce flood risk and water management issues.

Visit the Scuppernong Water Management Study Web Page to learn more.

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